How to find best dog for yourself?

Consider some points before choosing dogs

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1. Lifestyle Assessment 

Consider your daily routine, work hours, and activity level Determine how much time you can dedicate to exercise, play, and training

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2. Living Situation 

Assess your living space – whether you have a spacious home with a yard or live in a smaller apartment 

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3. Allergies

Consider any allergies you or your family members may have to dog dander 

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4. Size and Energy Level 

Choose a dog size and  energy level that fits well with your living space and personal preferences 

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5. Temperament

Consider whether you want a more active, playful dog or a calm and laid-back companion 

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6. Grooming Needs

Some dogs shed heavily, while others may have specific grooming needs 

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7. Training and Intelligence

Consider the intelligence and trainability of the breed, especially if you're a first-time dog owner 

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8. Health Considerations

– Research the common health issues associated with specific breeds. – Be prepared for potential veterinary costs and regular check-ups.

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9. Age 

Decide whether you want a puppy or are open to adopting an older dog 

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10. Purpose 

Determine the purpose of getting a dog – whether it's companionship, protection, or a working dog for specific tasks 

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11. Rescue or Breeder 

Consider adopting from a rescue or shelter. Many dogs are in need of loving homes 

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12. Compatibility with Other Pets 

If you have other pets, consider how a new dog will fit into your existing pet family 

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How Much Do You Know About Dogs

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